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learn English, labour shortage

Labour shortage – Workers needed!

The current pandemic does not only bring global health issues but also has a negative effect on the economy – die Wirtschaft. Another shift is becoming visible now. In the wake – inmitten – of the pandemic many industries experience a labour shortage – der Arbeitskräftemangel. This has far reaching consequences like supply chain disruptions …

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learn english, stock market

Going public

Going public means that a private company becomes publicly-traded – börsennotiert – and owned – staatlich. This is also called a stock launch oder initial public offering (ipo) – der Börsengang. Shares – die Aktien – of a company are sold to institutional and individual investors. This is a way of companies to expand – …

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learn english, mental health

Mental Health comes first

At the moment we are bombarded by one horror story after the other. Social media feets are full with catastrophic news and problems. Reading this day after day has a negative effect on our mental health – mentale Gesundheit. While work can boost our mental health a negative working environment – das Arbeitsumfeld – can …

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Advertising strategy

This week´s business English blog post deals with advertising strategies – this is a step by step plan to reach customers – der Kunde – and convince –jdn überzeugen – them to buy specific products. A well-planned strategy might help a company to sell more products than their competitors – der Konkurrent. But, its important …

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performance review, learn english

Performance Review

A performance review – das Mitarbeitergespräch – is a conversation between an employee and a manager to evaluate – beurteilen – the work performance. By offering feedback and setting goals the employee has the opportunity to improve – sich verbessern. And by identifying the strengths – die Stärken – and weaknesses – die Schwächen – …

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learn english, presentation

Presentation – welcome to the stage

This week we will teach you about giving presentations and how to go about it – learn some useful vocabulary and idioms. And some interesting facts on top that might help you with your next presentation. A presentation should always be individual and tailor made – maßgeschneidert – to your audience. Are you addressing colleagues …

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learn english, make small talk

Small Talk

Learn new english vocabularies and idioms about a new business related topic every week. Small Talk is crucial – ausschlaggebend – for your success in business. It is light, informal conversation and is commonly used when you are talking to someone you dont know that well. Or during networking events organised by your company. The …

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